Sunday, May 5, 2013

Pregnancy Bump & Weight

One of the quite funny (or mostly irritating!) things I've found during the pregnancy is strangers giving their opinion as to what sex they think the baby is, based on either the shape of the bump or the weight that I'm carrying.  I'm sure every pregnant woman goes through the same thing!  Early on in the pregnancy, I had a few people who I didn't know well at all tell me that they could tell that because of the areas I'd already put weight on (thanks!), I was having a girl.  They said that 'apparently' just a bump with not much weight gained elsewhere means you're having a boy.  Now that we know we're having a boy, it's funny that some people are now saying to me that it's a boy bump, though I think that's because my bump is so huge rather than anything else!  I think in the early stages when there is not much bump to see, that it's impossible to make a judgement as to what sex the baby is.  Plus, other girlfriends of mine who have recently had girls barely put on any weight at all.

Now that I'm in the later stages of my pregnancy, I can certainly tell that as the bump is growing, my lower half is responding in much the same way!  I'm still trying to get to the gym regularly during the week, but I've not done any running at all since I discovered I was pregnant, as it just isn't comfortable.  Even brisk walking now is a stretch (literally!), so I'm relying on the elliptical (cross-trainer) as my main form of exercise, which I've found to be the most comfortable with the ever-increasing bump and weird weight distribution.  It feels lower impact than even a fast walk, and I can try to target my legs and not twist at all while holding on!  It's also an added bonus being able to watch E!News when I go up to the gym at work during my lunch break.. ha!

I am almost gagging to be able to run again.  It's not that fun being limited to less effective exercise when you're used to a regular and more effective exercise routine that balances out a healthy appetite!  At this stage, it won't be until early September that I'll be running, following the recommended six week wait after birth.. gah!

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