Saturday, April 6, 2013

Symptoms, or Lack Thereof

Not having suffered through any morning sickness was, I suppose, another reason for my delayed discovery.  A few weeks after I knew I was pregnant, I started waking up in the morning absolutely ravenous, with a slightly painful hunger that wouldn't let up until I had something in my belly.  The Dr said to keep a stash of water crackers in the bathroom cupboard so that I could quickly access them in the middle of the night, if required, or when I wake up.  Now when I wake up at crazy hours of the night, I just head straight to the kitchen to wolf down a yogurt, banana or apple.

In early January, apart from having the odd lower back dull ache and noticing that my boobs were becoming more sensitive, I thought I had escaped the worst of what others go through in the way of morning sickness or symptoms etc., but a few nights in a row, my wisdom teeth (mainly my bottom right wisdom tooth) started flaring up in the middle of the night and becoming agonisingly painful.  I read on the internet that it is also common for expectant women to have their gums flare up due to pregnancy hormones, and if you also happen to have your wisdom teeth flare up, that there's not much that can be done about it until after you've had the baby, unless you want to go through the agonising removal of them with limited pain relief!  I made an appointment with the dentist the following Monday.  He said that he would aggravate the area around the tooth with the idea of getting it to bleed and then settle down.  I also had the hygienist thoroughly rip my mouth apart, which was good in a masochistic way, and give me a dressing-down reminder about how important good oral hygiene is, so I bought a new electric toothbrush (with a normal toothbrush head, rather than a round head that I'd not found that effective in the past) and passed through the pharmacy to buy floss and mouthwash and also the recommended Hydrogen Peroxide 3% mix that the dentist said to use several times a day by swilling around my mouth with warm water to kill bacteria.  The dental cover provided by my dental insurance through work also has added incentive to get back to the dentist regularly, as it covers quarterly hygienist treatments.  Thankfully, my wisdom tooth settled down in a couple of days, but it looks like I will at some point have to have it removed, as its current coordinates are way out of line with the rest of the troops!

I haven't had any cravings as such.  I suppose the only 'craving' I have sometimes had is the main thing I can't have, alcohol!  Though even that has settled down.  I have the odd sip here and there, though I've become less inclined to feel like it, opting more for OJ or soda water and fresh lime.  I felt less guilty about having a the odd half glass once my Dr said it was absolutely fine, but when I do have any wine, which might be once or twice every few weeks, I top and tail it with loads of water, and usually have a spritzer.  It will certainly be weird being able to drink freely again!

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