Monday, March 2, 2015


We were broken into in early February, which didn't help with the bad anxiety I was dealing with at the time. He came in through the window that backs onto the communal apartment bins. We hadn't touched the window for months, and had obviously been far too lackadaisical about it, thinking that it would only be accessible to the tenants in our building. The CCTV footage shows him pressing apartment buttons and being buzzed into the building, perhaps someone thinking that he was a courier delivering a package to another tenant. He took my new MacBook Air, our iPads, sunglasses (including Hunter's Mickey Mouse pair!), Mark's watches, Mark's NorthFace jacket as well as my hard drive, which had photos on it from the last 8 years. Thankfully, the photos on my MacBook are on Hunter's blog, and the photos on the hard drive are on Shutterfly and FaceBook. He also took a bunch of fake diamonds that I had in a handbag, obviously thinking they were of some worth. It would be funny seeing him try to pawn those! A 15yo kid who bought Mark's iPad on the street in the Bronx for $80 the night of the burglary called the next day asking us to unlock it. After some back and forth between his mother and the police officer, he ended up with a juvenile record for admitting he knew it was stolen, though the record will be wiped when he's 18 if he stays clean. We now have an alarm system and renters' insurance, and just have to take solace in the fact that nothing else was taken and nothing worse happened.

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